How many days do I need for a hair transplant procedure? The operation is done within a day. The ne..
For a year you can only have your hair cut with scissors. Do not use clippers or razors, as the ..
In the FUE method, the healthy hair roots are removed one by one by a plastic surgeon, as a straight..
The first wash after surgery will be done by one of our experts. You will have to use the shampoo..
The days after the operation you should pay attention to your posture. For the first 3 days, kee..
It is possible to regain the lost hair, the most important beauty accessory of both men and women, w..
What Is Hair Transplantation in Women? For hair transplantation in women the cause of hair loss and..
Eyebrow transplantation is usually chosen by women, but it can also offer a solution for men. It is ..
A whisker transplant and/or a beard transplant is a permanent solution if the hair on your face is c..
FUE Hair Transplant Many people dealing with hair loss want to know more about FUE hair transplanta..
What Is Sapphire Hair Transplantation? The need for hair transplantation is increasing day by day a..
Hair loss can be a real confidence killer. But here’s the good news: there’s a cutting-edge solution..
Hair Transplant in Turkey HairtimeIstanbul is located in the Netherlands, but also offers hair tran..